Services Offered

Special Orders

Coming soon, Titles will have access to an online catalogue of virtually millions of titles made available from publisher's POD catalogues. (Expected late spring, early summer 2009)

Virtual "in stock" Options for Publishers

If you're a small, medium or large publisher, please inquire about how YOUR trade paperback POD titles can be made available for customers to order quickly and easily at Titles bookstore.

Replica Edition of Public Domain Classics

Through a unique relationship with the Mills Library at McMaster, which owns a Kirtas scanner customers can request replica editions of up to 100,000 different books available in the archives of the campus library.

Some examples of books currently available are replicas of the signed first edition of H.G. Wells' The Time Machine and a first edition of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol.

You can browse public domain titles available and request them by emailing Mark Lefebvre. (Please note that if an item is NOT in the public domain that copyright permission needs to be secured from the author or publisher, which could take time and end up adding labour charges to the cost of the book.)

For Public Domain titles retrieved from McMaster's Mills Library, turn-around time depends upon the number of current items in the "que" and certain factors regarding the original book's dimensions and quality (making it properly "scanable"). Prices start at $15.99 and go up to $34.99 which are based upon the page count of the original book. Prices reflect a royalty going towards library services at McMaster.

Publisher Services

Convert your creative work into print-ready pdf files, formatted exactly the way you want them to look, and we will produce a quality trade-paperback edition of your book with a black and white interior and full-colour cover.

Print-Ready* Publishing Package Services include a set-up fee and a per page cost for each book printed. Prices are reflected in Canadian dollars.

January 2009 Rates (subject to change):
Set-up Fee: $75.00 (includes single "proof" copy of book
Price per Book: 6 cents per page

* Print-ready assumes that the files are already in proper format to be loaded to the Espresso Book Machine.

- File Conversion: $50/hour - minimum half hour charge
- Book Cover Design: $60/hour (by quotation)
- Editorial Services: $70/hour (by quotation) - manuscript evaluation and critique
- Basic Editing: $50/hour - proofreading, copyediting, content editing (Average copyediting speed is 7-10 pages per hour)

We also offer low-run ARC production or other marketing materials such as teaser chapbooks, catalogues, etc.